torstai 2. syyskuuta 2010

Ne marche pas!

Our second day in Lyon has been really warm and sunny. I didn't see any clouds the whole day! The plan of the day was to go look around and find our way around in the city and to find our school. We also needed to get pillows and sheets etc.

After eating in a nearby park we took the subway to Hôtel de Ville, which is close to our school.

Well turns out we didn't know which way was which so we strolled around a couple of kms not finding anything but enjoying the great views!

This sign shows the temperature, +30'c! After this we walked like for an hour looking for the school and after taking the detour we realized that the school was located almost just behind this sign :D

The view over the river Rhône was spectacular.

After a while we found the school and came back to Hôtel de Ville. I was talking to some homeless dude here.. Well, anything goes when you're trying to improve your French, I guess :D

Then we walked to Bellecour where we visited a tourist info. We asked where to get pillows and such :D

I took some pretty questionable pics on the subway. I really love commuting with the subway, it's so fast even if you have to change trains. To get to school we first have to take a bus from our apartment to the nearest tube station (less than 1 km away, it's walkable but I don't know if we have time in the mornings) and then take one train and change into another one. Sounds confusing but it's really fast and easy and you can use the same ticket for one hour in both buses and trains. One ticket costs 1,60€ quite cheap in my opinion compared to bus fares in Finland. When we go to school we get the montly subway and bus cards that cost 25€ per month.

After coming home we made tacos.

Nom nom!

And after that the most ridiculous thing ever..

Our very own internet café! Haha that was so much fun :D

All the glasses etc in our household are price tagged. If you break you buy!

Our amazing landlord had bought us a case of Heineken. Maybe I really should learn to drink beer...

Now I'm off to bed, I'm really tired and it's the first day of school tomorrow, gotta be stealth. C'est la rentrée! Bonne nuit tout le monde :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. Aah, näyttää ja kuulostaa kivalta :D Hihitin teidän nettikahvilalle. Ja miten toi Rhonen vesi ja taivas sen yläpuolella onkaan mielettömän sinisiä..

  2. Sara: Jep kyl täällä viihtyy :D Nettikahvila oli hauska :D Niinpä, ei ihan Suomen maisemia nuo.
