tiistai 5. lokakuuta 2010

Take it back, every word I said

I've been listening to the brand new Bring Me the Horizon album the whole day and I love it so much. Well I've loved them for 4 years now so what's there to stop me :)

The past couple of days we haven't really done anything and maybe it's good every once in a while. Tomorrow I have school and after that we were planning on going to a mall we haven't yet been to (H&M midseason sale!) and they're supposed to have some pretty sweet stores.

Anyways, here are some pics from the past couple of weeks :)

Sunny Bellecour one Sunday. Probably three weeks ago or something.

We arranged a biiiig party in our house two weeks ago and here are some pics from that night.

This is my favorite pic. Desperate housewives!

Haha we had to take some precautions what came to alcohol that night.

Yesterday we decided to bake something because there was supposed to be a movie night that we were too lazy to go to and we wanted to bring something 'Finnish' there with us.

Haha so glad we made two of those because the other one burnt.

The other one was better (ignore the sauce pan we had to make it in) and reeeeeally sweet! I haven't felt like eating anything carbohydrated since. The chocolate thingies on top were sooo good but chocolate-wise the pie was a bit over the top haha.

Yesterday the girls also cleaned our apartment (thanks, will try to join you next time :DD) and now it looks far more liveable. I don't know why I find the hat on the armchair so funny but it keeps making me laugh.

That's it for today guys :)

P.S. I can't wait for Julian Perretta's showcase on Wednesday! He seriously is the cutest thing ever!

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