lauantai 9. lokakuuta 2010

Le samedi dernier ♫

Blah I've been so lazy with blogging lately, so annoying. Anyway, I haven't done this kind of an entry before but because we took so many photos last Saturday, here we go. My Saturday in pictures.

The weather was pretty good outside, around +22'c.

This view is from our street.

The girls wanted to eat kebab so we orienteered somewhere near our metro station, Gare de Vaise. I thought I'd take photos of our neighborhood while I was at it.

After some kebab and fries we went to the store (Casino Supermarché as always), got some wine and arranged our own private girls' party on our balcony.

It was so nice just to sit there with good music and some wine because even though it was dark already, it was nice and warm.

After some chilling we met up with the others at Guillotière river bank. It's the kind of place near downtown where all the young people usually go to before hitting a club.

We were listening to music on my phone, haha nice soundsystem we had there.

At some point everybody had to go to chill under the bridge because it was starting to rain. It was a really fun night, even though we took the last metro home around midnight. We met some English and Scottish people there as well :)

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