I can't believe how fast this weekend went by! Yesterday I went out with my fellow Finnish blogger, Lotta, and some of my exchange student friends. The bar we went to was a really weird Russian bar in the middle of nowhere but yea it was fun anyway :) Even though tequila on the rocks wasn't the brightest idea for a drink haha. Today I've been sleeping and watching a Harry Potter movie on my laptop, really nice for a lazy Sunday.
Anyway, let's go a little bit back to a very nice Monday evening (11th Oct), when I went to see You Me at Six, Kids In Glass Houses and Ten Second Epic.
Ten Second Epic

The first band, Ten Second Epic, was a really nice Canadian band. The singer reminded me a bit of Disco Ensemble's Miikka and I was so happy throughout the whole gig because I really miss Disco Ensemble and I'm sad that I missed their gig here in France. A really nice energetic band live :)
Kids In Glass Houses

The second band, Kids in Glass Houses, was good as well. I've been listening to them for 2 years now so it was about time to see them live :)
You Me At Six

The last band, You Me At Six, well they're amazing but I think many people in Finland know them already :) Their show was very energetic and fun to watch.

After the gig we went to a bar called Cosmopolitan with the guys and I accidentally ran into my roommate there as well haha. We got photographed once again, funny :) A really nice night out that was, very eventful for a Monday!
I'm so glad that there are so many good shows to go to here, I don't really even mind losing all my money because of them haha. Next week I'm going to see bands on three different days: Hawthorne Heights and We Are The Ocean on Wed, Devil Sold His Soul on Sat and maybe Sick Of It All on Tue :)
VastaaPoistaOon tulossa sinne Lyoniin ensi viikonlopuksi. Oisko sulla jotain pakko nähdä -listaa? :D Lempparinähtävyydet, ruokapaikat, puistot, vaatekaupat, mitä tahansa :)
Anonyymi: Toivottavasti tää ei tuu nyt liian myöhässä.. Hienoimmat näköalat on ehdottomasti Vieux Lyonin Fourvièrella, jonne kannattaa mennä erityisesti pimeellä (ennen klo 22 kuitenkin) ja sinne pääsee semmosella funiculairella Vieux Lyonin metroasemalta. Parc De La Tête D'Or on kans näkemisen arvoinen puisto aurinkoisena päivänä kun siellä on eläimetkin paikallaan (ilmainen eläintarha, suosittelen!). Parhaat shoppailumahdollisuudet on Part Dieun ostoskeskuksessa josta löytyy ihan kaikki! Kauppoja on kans Bellecourilla. Raflat on täällä aika kalliita ja en oo käyny täällä viel kun kiinalaisessa joten niistä mulla ei oo kauheesti kerrottavaa mut kannattaa testata crêpet ja täytetyt patongit ja croisantit, niitä saa melkein mistä vaan :) Toivottavasti tästä oli jotain hyötyy :)