So during the vacation I visited a safari park that is about 70km away from Lyon. The park is called Le Safari de Peaugres and it's cool because at first you take a car route where you can see the animals walking right there outside your car (really cool) and then you take a longer route on foot where most of the animals are in enclosures. A ticket to the park costs 14,50€ which wasn't really that much in my opinion considering the price level of France.
So first here is the car route part.

One question: WTF is this?? A donkey with striped legs?

For reference, here are the real zebras that by the way I was really excited to see. I don't really like horses or animals looking like horses but zebras are just way too cool not to like!

I don't know what this is either but they were just lying there in the middle of the road and didn't really mind if you tried to get them to move (the car vs. the.. umm thing?).

Emus! Do they really eat all the time?

Bears were lying on the road as well.

I was very excited because I got to see my favourite animal ever: african elephant! They are so cool.

The polar bear wasn't too excited though. But I was really happy to see one of those too because I think I've never seen one before.

Pumba! I loved that one, he was there with the elephants running around ridiculously fast haha.
So that was the end of the car route. I also saw deers, buffalos, a baby zebra etc etc during the car route but I was too lazy to take pics of all of them.

Pelican. Those are so cool.

I liked the penguins too even though they were these small ones that I've already seen in the London Zoo. Seems like animals are way more active on the other side of the globe (reference point: the polar bear). Does someone know in which zoo you could see the real emperor penguins or do they just have those in Antarctica? I'd really like to see them.

This was the house of the reptiles. Pretty thing.

A crocodile. As lazy as always.

A python, eww. I'm not really afraid of snakes but they just disgust me so bad I don't know why. There's just something about not having feet...

Bats! These were so cool, scary and HUGE at the same time. I really hope not ever coming across one in real life.

Umm I don't know what these are in English or Finnish but the French word for these is 'otarie'. Some kind of seals? Well anyway these were really cool and they had their own show a bit like the dolphins have in Särkänniemi. It's really funny how they can walk with that tail.

These I absolutely loved! I don't know the name for these either so I prefer to call them Madagascar animals. They were freely running around, jumping from tree to tree and so on. It was so funny when they were running around us.

Timon! These are so funny too. Seems like I managed to see at least one half of the cast of Lion King there. I also saw Rafiki (I guess I forgot to take pics of the monkeys because they kind of freak me out) and some other animals as well. I didn't take photos of the lions itself for some reason. Oh and I saw the cutest little monkey there! It was the size of a rat so cuuute.


And a snow leopard (?). That's about it. They had loads of other animals as well but I was a pretty lazy photographer that day and I guess this was enough anyway.
I just laughed so hard haha. The quote of the day:
"Si et 85% des français c'est des cons qui écoute de la musique de merde lol et la culture française c'est nul. En France il ya que des truc nul les seul truc bien c'est des immitations en moins bien des truc americain et anglais."My French friend isn't really happy today haha. Loosely could be translated into:
"Yea and 85% of the French people are douchebags who listen to shitty music and the French culture sucks. In France there are only things that suck and the only good things are cheap imitations of American and English things."
So the bottom line for today could be that however I might be in love with the French culture, not everybody really is and that some things really can suck here there's no question about that. But today I'm happy because I got the new album of a great French band Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and I'm going to see them on Saturday wooohoo!
Madagascar animal = lemur = kissamaki..:)
VastaaPoistaMä HALUAN tonne!!! Jos tuut tänne ens kesänä, niin sä VIET mut tonne! <3 :)
VastaaPoistaminttu: Hehe okei tänks :)
VastaaPoistaLotta: Joo siel oli kyl siistii! And that's what we'll do! <3