tiistai 23. marraskuuta 2010

Who the fuck are you to predict my future?

Okay, my 2-week holiday, that I very freely decided to have in the middle of the semester, is now officially over. He went back to Finland and it makes me sad because we had such an awesome time together for the past week both in Italy and here in France. I still haven't gone through all the photos I took on our trip so I'm going to get back to them later. Hopefully maybe even tomorrow if I find the needed motivation.

Anyway, here's all the shopping I've done this month and I'm really glad the result turned out to be pretty decent and not over the top haha.

I already had this shirt in white but I really liked it and decided to get another one in different color. They didn't have the black one anymore so I went for the blue and I'm really happy I did!

I'm absolutely head over heels in love with these cropped shirts. They can be worn with almost anything and look really nice with skinny jeans. My dear roomie made me get the raspberry red one instead of the black and white one and I'm happy with her choice hehe.

I didn't have mittens and it's getting a little bit cold also here in France so I bought these pretty ones from H&M and they cost only 2€.

This must be my fav top at the moment. It was on sale in New Look and cost only 12€.

I guess I mentioned my need for a brown belt to be worn with some of my shirts and I found this one in New Look as well. It cost around 3€ so not bad at all!

During my trip in Europe I didn't wanna put all my money on shopping but of course I had to get a Parkway Drive t-shirt given the chance! I modified the collar a bit. The blue one I bought for my French friend.

This is the front of the shirt.

And this is the behind. I love the text, it's been my slogan for the past couple of weeks and I was really happy to find it on the reverse side of the shirt.

I also needed Vans or Converse shoes and because they are far too expensive here in France I decided to buy a pair on my trip to Germany. I actually wanted to buy these in grey and black but I didn't find them and fell in love with these instead. These cost 40€ in a skate shop.

On my trip to Germany we also went to Holland and visited a pretty sweet Vans Outlet store. They had shoes for 8€ but I didn't find any pair I would have wanted to give a home to. BUT I did find a cool beanie that I regret a lil' bit that I didn't buy :( Well maybe one day.

A couple of weeks ago we also found a ridiculously cheap cosmetics store here in Lyon (Bellecour) called Saga Cosmetiques. For example I found a nail polish for 2€, one litre (!!!) of salon conditioner for 3,80€ and a conditioner for blonde hair for 2,80€. I predict a visit for the store in near future...

I'm gonna get back to you on my interrail trip next time. Right now my brain doesn't seem to function in English so let's leave at that for today.

2 kommenttia:

  1. Heipsan! Missä kaupungissa se Vans Outlet store oli? :)

  2. Anonyymi: Se oli semmosessa kun Roermond, jossain siellä Hollannin ja Saksan rajan lähettyvillä :) Ei ollu mikään iso kaupunki :)
