Some pictures from the time that my Finnish friend was hanging out here.

One Monday (or doomsday) we went to Ayers Rock, which is an Australian bar here.

Because it happened to be his last night here, I wanted to buy us some kick ass drinks and these ones were called Long Beach Ice Tea. Well I maybe shouldn't have gotten these because the night didn't end too well haha.

We also met some of my Spanish friends there :)

The night of the Four Year Strong we went to this weird ass rock club I'd been to before and we played some table football. That was so much fun! It was raining, hence the hair.

We also made the compulsory visit to Parc de la Tête D'Or and for the first time ever I saw the leopard up close and how beautiful is that thing! Could I get a cat like this plz? Anyone?

Some photos of my fav animals.

Cutie :)
So I've totally lost track of what I have and haven't blogged about. Our Finnish friend from Spain is visiting us this week and we went out last night and the whole night was such a huge disaster I'm not kidding. We ended up taking a cab around 4a.m. after a long walk in the freezing weather. Lately this whole country has sucked big time. I hope it gets better soon and I can go back to enjoying my life.
A week ago we had lots of snow and Wednesday it was +18'c. Is that considered normal?!
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