A phone. Mine was stolen last weekend so I need a new one. The criteria I have for it is that it has to have a QWERTY keyboard (as I had one in my stolen phone) and the color has to be pink :D I know. But I found this one and it costs only about 130€ so it's achievable. And I had a Samsung and I think the features in Nokia phones are better so this has to be the best found so far!
A new hairdryer and a hair straightener. I'd like to have a GHD flat iron but I'm never in a million years getting one and I've heard great things about the Remington ones so I think I'd like to have one of those instead. My old flat iron & hairdryer are really out of date and don't work too well anymore so I need new ones. Oh and did I forget to mention that these are super pretty?
I'm a sucker for Lauren Conrad and her books and I'd like to have the newest piece in the L.A. Candy series and I'm very interested in getting her style book as well so here we go.
Because I'm nowadays really into all clothes and accessories that are made from real leather, I'd like to get a leather satchel and matching over-the-knee boots with fur interior. The bag would be perfect for school and my laptop. And the boots would be so warm in winter. Also, I need a new snowboarding coat and I've tried to find one for a couple of years already but so far I've failed big time. This one is from the Shaun White collection of Burton and a really pretty one. Please get me that, ok? I love Burton coats so much and they're really warm too. I'd also love to have new PJ's because I just came to realize that I don't really have any. Yeah, how is that possible? I don't know but the Minnie Mouse PJ top is definitely the beginning of a new era haha.
So that's it and I know I'm not getting all of these if any but it's nice to have alternatives, right? ;)
Heeei mistä tuo nahkasalkku on? Näyttää kivalta :)
VastaaPoistaAnonyymi: Hmm en tiiä ku laitoin vaan googlen kuvahakuun brown leather satchel :( Mut se on kyl täydellinen.
VastaaPoistaKivan näkönen toi puhelin, jos hankkisin tommosen niin ehkä sit sen kultasen mutta on toikin kivan värinen.
VastaaPoista500D on kyllä hyvä perusjärkkäri. Tykkään ku siinä on se videokuvauskin, vaikka sitä aika vähän käytänkin.. porukka valittaa että se syö kameran muita ominaisuuksia mutta sehän on vähän käyttäjästäkin kiinni :-) Itellä ois tarkotus satsata uuteen objektiiviin joulun jälkeen!
VastaaPoistaEn malta oikeesti oottaa että tuut takasin! :-)Sun pitää sit kattoo kalenteristas joku hyvä kolo mulle kuhan oot kotiutunu takasin :p
I'm Lacking: Mietin itekin hetken sitä kultasta mutta pinkki on enemmän mun juttu :)
VastaaPoistapiu: Joo niinpä! Ihanaa päästä juoruaan :D Hmm tiiätkö yhtään mistä se sun kamera on, paljon on maksanu jne? :)
Oulun Kuvastakohan se oli, siitä Hallituskadulta. Kokonaissumma tais olla jotain 800e ku otin siihen sen kameralaukun ja muistikortin. Mut sen hintahan on laskenu jo aika paljon. Saa varmaa 600e helpostikki! Ois itekki malttanu vähä oottaa... :D
VastaaPoistapiu: Okei täytyypä käydä kyseleen :)