I haven't been able to post for a couple of days. First I didn't have time and then the internet didn't work. I really hate it that we lose the connection every once in a while. But yeah, during these (almost) 3 weeks that I've been here I've been shopping way too much. Here's what I've got so far.

In a store called Mim they have lots of basic clothes really cheap (cheaper than H&M for the most part). The striped t-shirt is from there.

And these three also. Normal, long, black cardigan was really welcome in my closet. And cost only 14€.

I also really like Moa accessories. The cupcake bracelet is from there.

And the legwarmers are also from Moa.

My new heels that I couldn't resist at New Look! I love these. They cost 29€.

Shorts also from New Look. They look kind of weird in the picture but they're really nice on.

A black skirt from Zara. I've been wearing this a whole lot since I bought it, it's so comfortable on :) Looks stupid in the picture though.

This bird-print dress is from Bershka and it was in sale so it cost only 10€. The belt came with it.

I've been looking for this kind of jeans for a while now and I found these from Zara. I took them in bigger size because I really like that they're baggy.

This skirt was on sale in Zara and it was love at first sight with this one. I really like the hem.

One thing I was also trying to find for a long time is a brown bag that I could also use at school. I found this one in Etam and I've been using it ever since.

Camaïeu also sells basic clothes for cheap. This red striped shirt cost only 3,95€.

I also went to get some basic tops and shirts from H&M and found something else too. This cropped shirt looks really good with a long black top and jeans.

This is one of my favorites now too. A striped shirt with full-length sleeves is never a bad purchase.
Our French friend from Orléans is coming to visit us for the weekend so I don't know if I'll be able to post that much this weekend but I will try my best :) Bon week-end à tous!